QR Code for Medical & Healthcare Application
In France, QR code stickers provide medical data for emergency responders.
Source: http://www.springwise.com/health_wellbeing/3-france-qr-code-stickers-provide-medical-data-emergency-responders/
ERMedStat uses QR codes and smartphone technology to provide first responders with a subscriber's basic medical information in the event of an emergency. "If a patient doesn't have a family member with them or if they can't provide that information, we're at a loss as to what their history is," Debbie Teffeteller, emergency department director at Blount Memorial Hospital, said. "It makes it very difficult. You're doing whatever you can do to save a patient's life."
Source: http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/mar/07/maryville-company-uses-qr-codes-to-share-medical/
QR Code on Medical Equipments: When the QR code is scanned with a mobile device, users are given instant access to the loaded equipment information.
Source: http://www.onescanmedical.com/Chi Mei Medical Center uses QR Codes for providing medicine information.
Source: http://taiwantoday.tw/ct.asp?xItem=144041&ctNode=435
Test system for blood specimens: "At some laboratories QR code labels are automatically printed marked and attached by labeling equipment. Data include acceptance date, medical institution name (in Chinese characters), analysis/test item code, test site code, and identification number."
Source: http://www.gs1jp.org/2009/barcodes_identification/01_5.html
2D Barcode Label Applied to a Frozen Tube!!
Source: http://www.mlo-online.com/features/201105/special-feature/five-laboratory-trends-to-watch.aspx
Medical Learning: Learn how to be safe while receiving medical care.
Source: http://www.safecarecampaign.org/poster/pdf/qrposter-2012-11x17.pdf

QR Code for saving life!!
Source: http://www.qrcodepress.com/qr-codes-are-now-saving-lives/85698/